"Fleas Navidad"

The flea, tick and heartworm "season" is no longer a few months per year.

"Fleas Navidad"

The flea, tick and heartworm “season” is no longer a few months per year.  Global Warming has prolonged the warmer weather, affecting the lifecycle, of fleas, ticks and mosquitos, in fact, studies have shown that January is one of the busiest months for flea activity.  Upper Canada Animal Hospital is recommending year round protection for your four legged friends.  Stop in and pick up your Revolution today.

With the holidays approaching, we are all going to hear the horror stories of dogs and chocolate, cats and poinsettias, and the dangers of ingesting these for your pets.

However, there are many other dangers over the holidays that many aren’t aware of.  Please keep your pet safe this holiday season and remember our helpful hints.  As always, our Pet Health Care Team at Upper Canada Animal Hospital are here to answer any questions or concerns.

Did You Know?

  • Poinsettias, mistletoe and holly are fatal in cats
  • Chocolate, macadamia nuts, fruit cake and raisins can be fatal to your dog
  • Foreign bodies: curious puppies and cats can get into things such as ribbons, bows, tinsel and ornaments, often ingesting them, which could lead to an emergency situation
  • Table Scraps: despite the issue of table scraps adding to obesity problems in your pet, any change in diet can upset your pets tummy, stay away from turkey scraps and other leftovers – especially turkey bones!
  • Christmas trees: watch those lights!  Our furry friends can be drawn to chewing on wires, which could lead to serious electrical burns or fatalities

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